Sunday 28 August 2016

Thoughts of the week

1. We've discovered what's possibly the best coffee ever, Dimattina. If you haven't tried it, you need to!

2. Last week a friend came over with his two daughters, it was lovely. They were so helpful and I really enjoyed having female company. We cooked together then sat around chatting. It made me realise how much I miss female company. I see my female friends regularly but my life is very male dominated as most of my friends and family have boys. It'd be nice if we could add some more girls to the family.  

3. Shelby is 13 weeks old now and the love of my life. I feel like we've finally got the right dog for us, she's the perfect addition to our family.

4. How good is Afterpay? Such a brilliant idea, slightly dangerous too.

5. After three years we finally put up curtains in our living area. It looks so much better and hopefully it'll mean we're a little bit warmer in winter and cooler in summer. 

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